How to Register

New to the Formal? Follow these instructions:
What is a Formal account?
- The Christian Homeschool Formal of Austin uses an online registration program powered by Active. You must create an Active account specifically for the Formal. You will be using this account to register ALL of your students every year.
- Your Formal account can only be accessed through the link we provide. Because the Christian Homeschool Formal is a private event, you cannot register or edit your Formal account through the website.
- Note that each family needs only ONE Formal account. All children in your family will be registered through this family account, which must be owned by a parent or a guardian. If a student is over the age of 18, they may create their own Formal account and register themselves, or they may use the family account previously created by the parent. Please do not create a new account each year.
- If a student invites a date or a non-homeschooled friend, that date or friend must be registered by their own parent, through their own Formal account. If the date or friend is over the age of 18, they may create their own account and register themselves.
1. Create a Formal Account
- Click on the “red button” at Registration Page start the process. This will take you to the Active portal for the Christian Homeschool Formal of Austin.
- Under Session List, select the appropriate Session: either Graduating Senior Priority or OTHER. (You may only register one year with the Graduating Senior privilege.)
- Click ADD.
- Then select “Quantity” on right side under YOUR SELECTIONS. (You may register more than one student at once, i.e., select 2 if you are registering two students to the same Session.) A Senior and a Non-Senior will have to be registered separately.
- Lookup Account: Enter the parent’s PRIMARY email address for students under 18 for legal contract purpose. It is important to use an email account you CHECK REGULARLY as this is the email the formal coordinators will use to communicate all event correspondence. For new accounts, Active will ask you to agree to their Terms & Conditions and Privacy Rights.
- If you already have a Formal account, be sure to enter the email address linked to that account and the system will prompt you for your password.
- For each Session you have selected, you will enter the participant information. (Note that Session options for dance classes are UNAVAILABLE at this step of the process. When you complete your registration form, you must indicate your dance class preference. When you are removed from the waitlist, you will log back into this account to pay your registration fee and reserve your dance class day and time by paying your dance class tuition.)
- Complete the registration form carefully and accurately for each participant. If your brower autofills any field, please make sure all information is up-to-date, including contact information, seating and date requests, dietary restrictions, etc.
- Read and agree to all waivers of consent for our code of conduct and your legal liability.
- Provide your electronic signature. (Signee must be over 18.)
- Click “Continue to Cart.”
- If you are a new user, complete the profile by creating an account and password for the Formal. Save this information, as you will need to log into your account again in the future.
- Click “Complete Transaction.” No payment is to be made at this time.
Once you see “Thank-you! Your transaction is complete” and an Order ID, you have successfully been added to our Waiting List. IF YOU DO NOT SEE THIS MESSAGE, YOUR REGISTRATION HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED!
Check your email to verify that you have received a confirmation of your waitlist status. If no email is received, please check spam or junk mailbox. ADD email address: to your Contacts to prevent Formal emails from going to spam.
2. Formal Seat Confirmation by paying registration fee within 48 Hours
As boys and girls sign up in comparable numbers, students will be removed from the waitlist and invited to complete their registrations. When you receive an email from Christian Home School Formal stating that your student has been taken off the waitlist, you must log into your Formal account and pay your registration fee online within 48 hours.
Two Ways to Access your Formal Account to Make Payment:
- Use the link provided in the “removal from waitlist” email
- Click on “My Account” at the top menu bar of this web page
When your online payment is completed, you will receive a payment receipt email which will be your confirmation for a seat at the Formal. Please check spam or junk mailbox if you do not see payment receipt.
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: If you do not submit payment for the formal registration fee within 48 hours of receiving the payment notification email, the student’s name will move to the bottom of the Waiting List, and you will have to wait until a spot opens up again to complete your registration.
3. Dance Class Day/Time Confirmation
- Dance lessons are required for all students attending the Formal. When you signed up for the Formal, you indicated your preferences for dance class days and times in your registration form. Before paying for your dance lessons, please click on “My Account” at the top of this page and verify that these preferences are still accurate by logging in and clicking Edit Registration Form. If your schedule has changed, you can change these preferences before making payment. Make sure to save any changes.
- Although payment for dance classes is not due until March 1, space is limited in each dance class and is on first come first serve basis. Space in your preferred dance class is not guaranteed. Dance classes are assigned by the Formal coordinators after you have (1)Paid for dance class tuition (2)Uploaded a profile picture and (3)Uploaded an Uptown Dance waiver.
- You will not be permitted to participate in dance classes without an Uptown Dance Studio waiver. Links to complete an online waiver with Google Forms will be sent by email.
- Upload a clear head-and-shoulders photo to your Formal profile by clicking on “My Account” at the top of this page.
- Pay your dance class tuition by clicking on “My Account” at the top menu, logging into your account, and then clicking on EDIT next to the student’s name. Then choose “Add Purchase” from the drop down menu. Each student in the family has to check out separately when purchasing dance class tuition. We apologize to large families for this inconvenience.