Questions About Dance Classes
Q: “How do I confirm my seat at my preferred dance class day/time?”
To confirm your spot at your preferred dance class, you will need to completed ALL of the following:
- pay for dance class tuition in full
- upload a recent photo from top of the shoulder to top of the head to your student profile in your Formal account
- complete Austin Uptown Dance waiver (if required)
- make sure the preferences you indicated in your Formal registration form are complete and correct
All spaces at the dance lessons will be confirmed in order of “first come first serve.” Space is limited in each of our classes, so your first choice of a dance class day and time cannot be guaranteed.
Q: “How do I pay for dance classes?”
After you have received an email notification that you have been taken off the waitlist, please log back into your Formal Account (accessible through “My Account” link at the top menu bar). Once logged in, click on “EDIT” and choose “Add purchase.” Then choose the appropriate tuition and then click CHECKOUT. Your preferences for dance class levels/days/times were indicated in your registration form. If necessary, edit your form to reflect your preferences, and your request will be processed in the order that your dance class payment was received.
Q: “Do I have to take dance classes?”
Yes. Dance classes are designed to build confidence and teach you the skills you will need at the formal. You will have much more fun if you know all the dances, and your partners will have more fun dancing with you if you know what you are doing! The DJ at the Formal will play a mix of all the types of dances learned in class. Even if you have attended the Formal before, dance classes are still required for all students annually. The dance classes are an integral part of the Formal, as they help to build community and friendships. The students you get to know during dance class will be the people you see at the Formal!
Q: “Do I have to take the dance classes offered by the Formal?”
We offer various levels of classes on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as a Senior Refresher option for students who have attended the Formal three times before. We have designed this schedule to accommodate the needs of as many attendees as possible.
If none of the dance class options work for you, it may be possible to arrange private lessons. If you have extenuating circumstances, please contact us.
Q: “What if I have to miss a dance class?”
We know that many students have busy schedules with sports, performing arts, debate tournaments, dance competitions, jobs, etc. We have redesigned the dance classes with this in mind.
Flex classes are for students who KNOW they will have to miss and make up one or more classes during the Formal season. Ideally, we want to assign students to a primary class they can attend at least three times. Any missed class can be made up at another Flex class time, on any weekend. You may take any combination of Flex classes, including back-to-back Flex classes when they are offered, or attending up to three Flex classes in one weekend. We just ask that you please email us ahead of time with your schedule of what classes you will attend and when, for a total of five dance classes.
Please realize that each week the dance classes will build on what was taught the previous week. If you take all five of your classes early in the season, you will miss learning the styles of dance taught later in the course. Likewise, if you miss the first week or two of classes, it may be very challenging to join later, when the students have already learned several dances. We strongly recommend that first-time attendees NOT miss the first week of dance classes. The best scenario is to take one class per weekend, for all five weekends.
For students who can commit to attending the SAME CLASS at the SAME TIME every week, we now offer more focused instruction in the Beginner and Advanced Classes. These classes are limited in size and carefully balanced for an even boy/girl ratio. These classes are CLOSED to Flex students needing to make up a missed class.
If you sign up for a Beginner class, you are expected to have NO PLANNED ABSENCES. However, we know that illnesses and family emergencies do sometimes arise. If this happens, please email us as soon as possible to let us know and to arrange for a make-up class. To make up a class, you may choose from any of the Flex class times.
If it’s a last minute, sudden onset illness, please still email us as soon as you can to let us know. We might not see it before class, but it will save us from having to email YOU to arrange that make-up class.
Q: “I love to dance! Can I take more than one lesson per week?”
In general, you only need to take one dance lesson per week. And due to the space and number of students attending the lesson, we might not be able to accommodate more than one dance lesson per week due to over-crowding. However, we are often in need of students to sub in additional classes due to our girl/boy ratio. Please contact us for more details.
Q: “Why do I have to rotate partners at the dance class? Can I just dance with my date?”
Dating couples often like to attend dance classes together. However during dance class, you will be expected to rotate partners along with all the other students. If we notice you dancing exclusively with your date, we will remind you of our policy. This will be good practice for the formal, where you will get to enjoy dancing with a variety of friends.
Q: “What should I wear to dance class?”
Please read “Dance Class Etiquette” HERE.