
2025 Waitlist Signups:


Graduating Senior
Priority Waitlist

General Registration Waitlist

*All Graduating Seniors who sign up the week of Priority Waitlist will be accepted. It is not necessary to sign up early Monday morning.

**We highly recommend that other students DO sign up on the morning that the General Waitlist opens. Registration normally fills on the first day of General Waitlist Registration. However, registration is not intended to be a “fastest fingers” contest. Be assured we consider many factors when accepting students from the Waitlist, including boy/girl ratio, timestamp, age, grade, date status, previous waitlists, and siblings. Please take enough time to thoroughly read and correctly complete your registration form on Monday morning.

All students start out on the Waitlist. We begin accepting students off the waitlist almost immediately once signups begin. Please check your email frequently, but please also be patient, as we must accept girls and guys in comparable ratios, and girls tend to sign up sooner and in larger numbers. When you receive your confirmation email, please make prompt payment so we can process the Waitlist as efficiently as possible. Thank-you!

Any signup received earlier than the assigned date for their grade level will be cancelled automatically.


Your registration fee must be PAID IN FULL within 48 hours of being removed from the waitlist in order to confirm your seat at the Formal. If payment is not received, you will be returned to the bottom of the waitlist.

Dance lesson tuition can be paid separately from the registration fee but must be paid in full before you are assigned to a dance class. You are not guaranteed to receive your preferred dance class day/time.  We will admit students in each class on a “first come/first served” basis. Dance tuition is due by March 1.


Attendees must be:

  • 14 years old as of September 1 of the current school year and not older than 19 years old as of the date of the event
  • Homeschooled students or an invited date or guest of a homeschooling family (all non-homeschooled registrants will be reviewed on a case by case basis; admission is not guaranteed)
  • Local to the Austin area, so that they may attend all required dance classes


  • All Formal attendees are required to take FIVE group dance lessons before the formal, no exceptions.  If you miss a lesson, you are  required to make up the lesson in one of the Flex classes.
  • Attendees are expected to dance with the partner that is assigned on his/her dance card for each assigned dance at the Formal.
  • All attendees, parents, and guardians must read the Christian Homeschool Formal Statement of Faith, and agree to follow the Code of Conduct and Etiquette Policies.

What You Need to Know Before Registering:

The Christian Homeschool Formal uses an online registration program powered by If you have used the platform in the past for other activities, you will NOT use the same login information for the Formal. You will use a unique account for the Christian Homeschool Formal of Austin. Make sure your Formal account is created with an  email address you check regularly, as this is the way we will communicate all important information related to the Formal. If you do not receive an email from us confirming your waitlist status immediately after signing up, please check your SPAM or Junk Mail folder!

Please make sure that all information on your Formal registration form is current and up-to-date. Some web browsers may auto-fill your form with last year’s information, so make sure it is still correct before submitting.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

All cancellations before March 1 will be assessed a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be made on or after March 1.

Each year there is a waitlist of students turned away from the Christian Homeschool Formal, because interest in this event exceeds our capacity. To be fair to all students, it is important that those who register for the event are committed to attending. Many of our costs for this large event are incurred early in the season, and so our ability to refund payments is limited.

Bringing a Date

First, please know that the Formal is structured in such a way that bringing a date is not necessary for having a fun evening. You will have multiple opportunities to ask a certain person to dance, even if he or she does not appear on your dance card. You and your friend may also request each other as your first seating choice without being registered as dates. If you would like to invite a date, we recommend that you do so in a timely manner. Please know that this event fills quickly. Once capacity has been reached, we cannot add additional students, even if they want to register as someone’s date.

Please remember that students with dates will still receive dance cards and are required to dance with all their assigned partners on the designated dances.  Dates will be guaranteed to sit together at dinner and will be assigned at least 5 dances together on their dance card. They can also dance together for all free dances, which comprise about half of the music played during the evening.

Date Requirements:

  • Students who will be 16 years old on the day of Formal are permitted to register as a date.  Students under 16 years of age may NOT register as a date, even if they are asked by an older student.
  • Parents are required during registration to give permission for their student to attend as a date if he or she is under 18. Parents of both students must give their approval in order for a couple to be registered as a date.
  • Deadline for making changes to date status is April 1, so that dance cards will reflect the correct partners.

Making Changes

Deadline for making changes to your student profile is March 30.

You may use the “My Account” button on the menu bar of this website to access your Formal account after you have registered. You may also use “My Account” to submit payment for the Formal, pay for dance classes, or change any information on your form, such as adding a date, or updating contact information, etc.