Questions About Volunteering
Q: “Do you need volunteers?”
The volunteers are a team of parents who work hard for many months to plan and execute the entire formal. Many volunteers are needed throughout the months of planning to work on registration, centerpieces, the senior table, tuxedo discounts, dance cards, dance classes, dress code, programs, name cards, seating, etc.
All of the organizers, chaperones and helpers are volunteers and are required to chaperone dance classes in addition to the night of the formal. This is not a business, and no one is earning any sort of salary or stipend for helping. If you volunteer, know that your job may take a significant investment of time, and we are counting on you. We can estimate the amount of time needed for various tasks, but they are just estimates on our part. All in all, most volunteers participate just because they want to bless students by hosting this beautiful event!
Q: “How can I become a chaperone?”
Chaperones are a team of volunteers that have been working 10 hours or more per week to help plan, organize, and execute the event. Not all volunteers are chaperones. We strive for a chaperone-to-student ratio that meets our need for safety and supervision without making the students feel as if they are dancing in a fishbowl. Some are needed to help with specific tasks the day of the event, but not all of the volunteers are needed to chaperone the actual dance.
If you are interested in joining the team that plans and executes the formal, please contact us before January.
Q: “What are other ways I can help with the event?”
Donation for door prizes would be a great way to bless the students at the event! A door prize drawing is one of the highlights during the formal. Every student checked in at the door is automatically entered into the door prize giveaway, and winners are randomly selected. All of the door prizes are donations from student’s parents in the form of gift cards of $10-$25 each.